Read a fastq file and encode Phred quality score from 0 to 93 using ASCII 33 to 126. (Reads need to be the same length)
read_fastq(datafile = NULL)
datafile | Path to a fastq file. |
Return a list contains reads, quality socres and dim of the data.
# Read a fastq file datFile <- system.file("extdata", "sim.fastq", package = "CClust") dat <- read_fastq(datafile = datFile)#> Minimum quality score: ( (40) #> Maximum quality score: G (71) #> Minimum read length: 251 #> Maximum read length: 251# Read a fasta file datFile <- system.file("extdata", "sim.fasta", package = "CClust") dat <- read_fasta(datafile = datFile)#> Minimum read length: 240 #> Maximum read length: 240